Search Results

Right to left, Dr. Ralph Nelson, Dr. Robert Dunbar Jr., unidentified man pointing to a map of Africa.

265. Dr. Randolph Nelson and Dr. Robert Dunbar, Jr. West Virginia University

Robert Stilwell,left, Chairman Languages, German and Spanish; unidentified; Frank Herrera, right, Professor Spanish.

266. Language Professors, West Virginia University

Faculty Day program-half time VMI-WVU Basketball game, February 13, 1959 honoring the three profesor emeriti of West Virginia University. From left, Dr. A. M. Reese, Dr. John B. Grumbein, Dr. Oliver P. Chitwood.

267. Faculty Day Program, West Virginia University

Left to right, Joe Woolsey, Enid Portnoy, John Chapman, Bill Bennett, Terry Stasny, Bill French.

268. School of Nursing Banquet at Holiday Inn, West Virginia University

'Back row, left: W.E. Rumsey, Theodore Watson, Charles Howard?, Front row, left: A.D. Hopkins, Woollery ?, B.H. Hite, Lee Cleveland Corbett.'

269. Faculty of Agricultural Experimental Station, West Virginia University

Professor of Medicine, Nicholas W. Fugo(standing), Instructor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Roy L. Butcher (sitting).

270. Medical School Faculty, West Virginia University

Cadet Col. Minney (left), and Col. Edwin Reynolds (right).

271. ROTC Faculty, West Virginia University

Left to right, George Kirk, Glenn Zinn, Milton Cohen, Ben Bailey, and John Harvey.

272. Faculty Group Portrait, West Virginia University

Playing the Game 'The Last Straw' with a young child.

273. Faculty Member With International Students, West Virginia University

274. Senior Party, College of Agriculture, West Virginia University

Back Row: Thomas Carskadon Johnson, B.S. Agr., Fellow in Mathematics; Robert Morris, A.B., Fellow in Economics; William Henry Whitman, B.S., Fellow in Physics. Front Row: Bernard Camillus Bondurant, A.M., Fellow in Latin; Charles Clear Ballard, A.B., Fellow in Roman Languages; Allen Wilson Porterfield, A.B., Fellow in German; Willian Frazier Naret, B. Agr, Fellow in Agriculture; Simeon Conant Smith, A.B. Assistant in Rhetoric and Elocution.

275. Faculty Members, West Virginia University

'A scene from the March, 7, 1967 Faculty Honors Convocation shows, from left to right: Robert Slonneger, WVU Professor of Mechanical Engineering; R.C. Butler, WVU, Professor and Chairman of Agricultural Engineering; George McLaren, WVU Professor of Agricultural Biochemistry and Nutrition; Clark Sleeth, Dean of the WVU School of Medicine; Virgil Lilly, WVU Professor of Physiology; and Wesley Bagby, WVU Professor of History. 100th Anniversary Office.'

276. Faculty Honors Convocation, West Virginia University