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Two men using large bits to drill prior to placing charges.

1. Drilling Prior to Placing Charges

Two men placing charges in an already drilled hole. Notice the preparatory cut on upper right hand side.

2. Miners Placing Charges

3. Miner Placing a Charge

Miner in the process of placing charges into the coal seam at Bishop Mine.

4. Placing Charges, Bishop Mine

Miners use large drill to place charges in holes deep in the coal. 'William Vandivert, Not to be reproduced without written liscense.'

5. Drilling Prior to Placing the Charge

Miner setting charges at Jamison No. 9.

6. Setting Explosives at Jamison No. 9

'Charge being placed in the hole; notice preparatory cut in the center.'

7. Miner Placing a Charge