Search Results

A Group portrait of graduates and faculty of the physics department at West Virginia University taken at what appeared to be one of University classroom; Danny McDonald, Nick Nicholson, Bill Coleman, Paul Errington, Aubry Hudgins, Frank Hoge, Bill, Roger Mersing Boelschevy, Yu Hak Hann, Gerry Huffman, Phil Pennington, Wade Temple Gefferson Marsh, Danny Sullivan, Dr. Charles Thomas, Pro. Douglas Williamson, Pro. Rexroad, Dr. Rex Ford.  (Not all the individuals in the photo are named, nor it is clear that which individual in the photo is named).

25. Physics Graduates and Faculty, West Virginia University

26. Faculty Member Interacts with Students, West Virginia University

Standing in the middle is Betty Boyd, on the  left in plaid is Sarah Lilly, on the right facing front is Ann Sleeth, Craig Michel is seated to her right.

27. Betty Boyd Interacts with Faculty and Students, West Virginia University

28. Faculty and Students in front of Martin Hall, West Virginia University

Group portrait of WVU Political Science students.  Prof. Joe Clark Theiss at the bottom right and Prof. Royal C. Gilkey at the bottom left.

29. Political Science Students, West Virginia University

Dr. Clarkson (far right) standing in front of artwork with two female students.

30. Dr. John D. Clarkson and Students, West Virginia University

Dr. Nesius speaking with a foreign student.

31. Dr. Ernest Nesius and Foreign Student

Helford Longhouse, one time Chairman of Agriculture Engineering Department, with a student in a laboratory.

32. Helford Longhouse With Student, West Virginia University

A group portrait of graduate students and instructors from the Physics Department of WVU.

33. Graduate Students and Instructors, West Virginia University Physics Department.

A group portrait of students and instructors of the WVU Physics Department.

34. Physics Department Students and Instructors, West Virginia University

A group portrait of graduate students and instructors from the WVU Physics Department.

35. Physics Department Graduate Students and Instructors, West Virginia University

A group portrait of graduate students and instructors from the WVU Physics Department.

36. Physics Department Graduate Students and Instructors, West Virginia University