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Two freshman sit deciding on courses.

1. Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

A view from registration day at the Field House on Beechurst Avenue shows students lined up to register classes.

2. Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

A scene from registration day at the Field House on Beechurst Avenue.

3. Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

A view from the Field House on general registration day: students at tables filling out the forms and some are in line to register for the class.

4. General Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

A student stands facing a camera for his ID picture while two photo technicians adjust.

5. Getting Photographed during Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

A scene from general registration at the Field House shows staff and faculties at the registration tables.

6. General Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

At general registration at the Field House, a female student talks to a staff.

7. Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

A student fills her registration forms in the Field House on general registration day.

8. General Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

Students examine their registration sheet at general registration.

9. Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

Students waiting to register outside of the Field House on Beechurst Avenue.

10. Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

Students waiting in line to register for a class.

11. Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University

Students working on their registration forms in the Field House on Beechurst Avenue.

12. General Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University