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13. West Virginia University President Paul A. Miller and Jennings Randolph

14. West Virginia University President Paul A. Miller Entertains Guests

President and Mrs. Elvis J. Stahr are seated on the far right.

15. West Virginia University President Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. at his Inauguration Dinner

16. West Virginia University President Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. Cuts a Cake Model of the Health Sciences Center

17. West Virginia University President Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. Signing a Document

18. West Virginia University President Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. Receives a Gift

At a president's Stewart reception, from left to right: Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hoblitzell; Gov. and Mrs. Cecil B. Underwood; Dr. and Mrs. Irvin Stewart.

19. West Virginia University President Irvin Stewart at a Reception

20. President Irvin Stewart Holds a Mirror for Graduating Student, Carley Ann Reese, West Virginia University

A photograph of President Paul Miller (center) with C.E. Silling (right), chief architect for original Medical School building, and another man inside a room in White Hall.

21. Paul Miller and Others, West Virginia University

A photograph of Paul Miller (center) standing with two other men.

22. Paul Miller and Others, West Virginia University

Harry Heflin (far left) and President Paul Miller (second from right) standing with other individuals in White Hall.

23. Group Portrait of Faculty and Administration, West Virginia University

A portrait of Harry Heflin (left) and Charles Trembley (right), oldest living graduate of West Virginia University.

24. Harry Heflin and Charles Trembley, West Virginia University