Search Results

Breaking ground at Williams Mine.

61. Williams Mine Executives

Dedication by Sec. of Interior Stewart Udall of new plant at Cresaps, W. Va. Conversion of coal to gasoline. Seated 2nd from left is Arch A. Moore of the U.S. House of Representatives.

62. Secretary of Interior Stewart Udall at Cresaps, W. Va.

63. Senator Robert Byrd, Secretary of Interior Stewart Udall, and Governor Hulett C. Smith at a Coal Exhibition

'Front- H.L. Kirkpatrick, S.A. Hunt, E.V. Bowman and S.E. Sparks. Back- Donald M. Reedy (V.P. Planning and Development), O.T. Carr (Secretary and Treasurer), Norville L. Ellison (mgr. stores) and J.M. Wade (Consultant).

64. New River Coal Company Administrative Team

65. Visitors Pose with Hanna Coal Company's Mountaineer Shovel

Inspection party standing next to a Pullman train near Somerset Pennsylvania.

66. Inspection Party near Somerset, Pennsylvania

Visitors eat lunch at Hanna Coal Co. while one man stands and talks.

67. Lunch Courtesy of Hanna Coal Company

Executives breaking ground at Williams Mine.

68. Williams Mine Executives

Men standing outside of the plant talking.

69. Visitors at the Hanna Coal Company's Georgetown Preparation Plant

70. Tour of Hanna Coal Company Mine Site, Cadiz, Ohio

Group portrait of people at the top of Summerlee Shaft.

71. Top of Summerlee Shaft

Visitors getting back onto the buses at the Georgetown Preparation Plant.

72. Georgetown Preparation Plant