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Woodburn, Martin, and Chitwood Halls.

949. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

People walk in a procession toward Woodburn Circle. Martin Hall and Chitwood Hall visible.

950. Snowy Day on the Campus of West Virginia University

A view of Woodburn Hall and students in the circle on a snowy day.

951. Woodburn Circle on a Snowy Day, West Virginia University

Students on the porch as well as on the roof of the porch for a photo.

952. Episcopal Hall, West Virginia University

953. Episcopal Hall, West Virginia University

954. Group Portrait of Military Men and Women in front of School of Medicine

955. Building on the Campus of West Virginia University

It is done by Robert J. Bennett, Architect.

956. Architect's Drawing of Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Morgantown, W. Va.

This view from the hill above the University shows five of the buildings, and the Monongahela River in the distance.  From the booklet, 'West Virginia University and its Picturesque Surroundings,1901.'

957. Hill Top View of West Virginia University

'This part of the campus shows the Circle and corners of Martin Hall, Science Hall, and University Hall.'  The picture is from a booklet, 'West Virginia University and its Picturesque Surroundings, 1901.'

958. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

'Is a four-story building containing Lecture Rooms and Laboratories for the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Geology, and Drawing and Painting, and also the President's Office.  The Department of Civil Engineering has rooms in Science Hall until the completion of Engineering Hall.'  The picture is from booklet, 'West Virginia University and its Picturesque Surroundings, 1901.'

959. Science Hall, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

'This view of the campus shows a grand old tulip tree, and the beeches in the rear of  Science Hall.'  This photo is from a booklet, West Virginia University and its Picturesque Surroundings, 1901.'

960. Scenic View of Trees and Buildings on the Campus of West Virginia University