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25. Sigma Delta Chi, Journalism Honorary, West Virginia University

Seated from Left to Right: Ed Howard, Sally Steptoe, Glen Communtzis, Alan Woodford, Laura Dudley, Linda Gray. Standing from Left to Right: Phyllis Huff, John "Doc" Richmond, Donn Brown.

26. Student Government Officers, West Virginia University

27. Student Government Committee Chairmen, West Virginia University

Row 1: Tom Heflin, Steve Hunter, Tony Spatafore, Mike Frino. Row 2: Jim Herdon, Ken Kodeluppi, John Porec, Bob Dryle, Ron Pinchok. Row 3: Brenda Scott, Carolyn Vicks, Kathy Kartagener, Kathy Montgomery, Sadie Johns, Pat Espozito. Row 4: Beth Anderson, Bill Harminson, Eric Summerville.

28. Student Legislature, West Virginia University

Officers of student legislature from left to right in a back row: Ken Codeluppin;  Pat Esposito; Kathy Mongomery; Jim Herdon; Bill Harrison; seated: Steve Hunter.

29. Student Legislature Officers, West Virginia University

Phyllis Huff, student body vice president along with Delta Tau Delta, John 'Doc' Richmond, student body president, 1969-1970.

30. Student Body President and Vice President, West Virginia University

31. Li-Toon-Awa, Sophomore Women's Honorary, West Virginia University

32. Order of the Grail Members, West Virginia University

33. Mountain, Ranking Men's Honorary, West Virginia University