Search Results

A group of men are pictured on and beside a train car.  A bridge in the background crosses the New River.

1. Railroad Bridge and Turntable, Thurmond, W. Va.

2. Scene from Hawk's Nest Rock near Ansted, W. Va.

Though the exact date of the church's organization is unknown; it was organized before the Civil War.  It is currently located on the New River near Bellepoint.

3. Four Mile Church Baptist, Summers County, W. Va.

Portraits of the family that was displaced by the Bluestone Reservoir Dam Project.From left to right is Virginia "Jenny" Harvey, Lennie Harvey Keatley, Mat Harvey, Jim Harvey, and Sallie Harvey.Harvey Falls lies within the Forest Hill District.

4. Harvey Family Portrait, Harveys Falls, W. Va.

View overlooking the winding New River and the city of Hinton.

5. Aerial View Looking North over Hinton, W. Va.

View overlooking New River and the city of Hinton.

6. Aerial View Looking Southwest over Hinton, W. Va.

View of the farm ground located on the banks of New River.

7. Harvey's Farm of Harvey's Falls, Summers County, W. Va.

Smith and Alley pose outside of the home which overlooks New River and the C.  & O. Railroad Yard on the West End of Hinton, W. Va.

8. Pat Smith and Sarah Pauline Alley Outside of Alley Home, Hinton, W. Va.

Smith rows the canoe across the water.

9. Johnny Smith Rowing Across New River, Summers County, W. Va.

The home, located on Summers Street, looks over the river as well as the C. & O. Hinton West Yard.

10. Young Pat Smith at Alley Home Overlooking New River, Summers County, W. Va.

Three unidentified men put their arms around each others shoulders while posing on the bridge.

11. Men Pose on Bridge Over New River, Hinton, W. Va.

On the back of the photo, the couple is identified as "Young and Lula". The town of Bellepoint is pictured in the background.

12. Couple Pictured by New River, Bellepoint, W. Va.