Search Results

Group portrait of unidentified members of Southside Lumber team.

361. Southside Lumber Little League Baseball Team

Group portrait of baseball team, only two members identified, Standing, back row, first left, Coach Pringle; Front row, second from the left, Wetsoone.

362. Little League Baseball Team, Morgantown, W. Va.

Group portrait of unidentified members of the Trojans' team.

363. St. Francis Catholic School Basketball Team, Morgantown, W. Va.

Group portrait of unidentified players, Coach Glen Ellis, standing back row, far right.

364. Morgantown Junior High School Basketball Team

365. Alexander and Martha Stonestreet, Daisy Stokes

The new Stonestreet home in the making.

366. Stata Rumble, Blanche Stonestreet, Unknown Man, Alexander Stonestreet, Unknown Woman, Martha Stonestreet

367. Three Unidentified Children

George Bird Evans holding his "Purdey", standing with his bearded friend, David Hall.

368. George Bird Evans and David Hall, Preston County, W. Va.

The photograph was taken at the Evans home, "Old Hemlock" in Preston County, West Virginia

369. George Bird Evans, Wife Kay Evans and Dog 'Quest' at Old Hemlock, Preston County, W. Va.

Blanche Stonestreet, Pearl Strother Stonestreet, Mrs. Bernard Stonestreet, Mrs. Wm. McGinnis, Jim Stonestreet, Dr. W. W. Stonestreet, Mrs. W. W. Stonestreet. Second row: Wm. McGinnis, Bernard Stonestreet, Cecil Stonestreet, Spencer Stonestreet

370. Stonestreet Reunion

Left to right: Vera, Rev. Frank Rector, son of Enoch Rector, Beulah, Randolph, Miriam, Martha Pickering Rector, and Gordon

371. Reverand Frank Rector and Wife, Martha P. Rector and Family

George and Kay Evans pose on the steps of their home with four blue belton setters.

372. George Bird Evans, Wife Kay Evans and Friends, Preston County, W. Va.