Search Results

Eva Reed, left, and Cornelius "Neil" Louis Burdette pictured beside a garden.

37. Neil Burdette and Neice, Summers County, W. Va.

Thomas Lilly (born June 11, 1885) stands next to Grace Blanche Lilly Meador Hatcher (born in 1919) and a young Robert Cecil Meador (born 1942).

38. Thomas W. Lilly and Family, Summers County, W. Va.

From left to right standing is Forest Noel, Lena Noel and Henry Noel Senior. Tommy James and Henry Jr. are sons of Forest and Lena, two of which are pictured with the dog.

39. Noel Family with Horse and Dog in Summers County, W. Va.

Photo taken from a tin type. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Odell pose with their daughters Pina Odeell (left) and Fannie Odell (right).  Fannie is the mother of Atley Bowyer.

40. O'dell Family of Summers County, W. Va.

The five sisters pose outside of their home located along the Bluestone River.

41. Ratliff Family near True, W. Va.

Luther, Glenna, and Gladys Shumate sit on a bench outside of their home.

42. Shumate Family at Their Farm, Little Stony Creek, W. Va.

Uncle Charley and Aunt Eva pictured in front of the home's porch where three rocking chairs sit idly.

43. Shumate Relatives by Porch of Shumate Farmhouse, Little Stony Creek, W. Va.

Pictured are the unidentified family members of Pack in front of their home in Jumping Branch District.

44. Relatives of Bessie Pack, Summers County, W. Va.

The Chattin family poses outside of their home with their pet dog.

45. W. O. Chattin and Family, Talcott, W. Va.

In the front is Elvera Roach Porterfield; Effie Fox Roach (mother); E. B. Roach (father). In the rear is Harry Roach; Etta Roach Huston; Alvin Roach; Raymond Roach.

46. Roach Family in Talcott, W. Va.

Turner, his wife and children are pictured in front of their home.

47. Samuel Turner and Family, Summers County, W. Va.

Ada Florence Morris Hamm, Willie Hamm, Homer Hamm, and Jordan Hamm pictured.

48. Hamm Family Portrait, Summers County, W. Va.