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Article in The Dominion-News, Morgantown, W. Va. newspaper detailing accomplishments of Esther Benford, civil engineering student at WVU.

349. Esther Benford, "Only Woman in College of Engineering"

Esther Benford, the only woman student in West Virginia University College of Engineering at the time, with surveying scope.

350. Esther Benford, Civil Engineering Graduate

Female ROTC group gathered on football field.

351. ROTC Members

"Miss Helen Baker reigned, in a Rhododendron bower, as the Queen of the May at West Virginia University's annual festival which was part of Greater West Virginia Week activities. She is a member of Alpha Xi Delta, a candidate for beauty queen, and a member of the university social committee."

352. Queen of the May

Franklin D. Roosevelt pictured standing at podium on Baltimore and Ohio train car.

353. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Speaking From Train Car; Morgantown, W. Va.

354. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Aboard Baltimore and Ohio Train Car; Morgantown, W. Va.

355. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Aboard Baltimore and Ohio Train Car; Morgantown, W. Va.

Roosevelt stands in background while being introduced to crowd.

356. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Aboard Baltimore and Ohio Train Car; Morgantown, W. Va.

Stalnaker Hall, otherwise known as Women's Hall, in background.

357. WVU Cadets On Athletic Field

WVU baseball player stands in front of teammates.

358. WVU Baseball Player

WVU infielders during game.

359. WVU Baseball Team

Fighters exchange blows with referee looking on.

360. WVU Boxing Match