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Looking down on Woodburn Circle on WVU Downtown campus: from further left Commencement Hall, Agricultural Experiment Station, Martin Hall, Woodburn Hall and Chitwood Hall.

121. Woodburn Circle and Other Buildings, West Virginia University

122. Bird's Eye View of Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

123. Bird's Eye View of Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

People gathered in Woodburn Circle, Taft and others likely on porch of Martin Hall.

124. President Taft at West Virginia University for Inauguration of President Hodges, Morgantown, W. Va.

A photograph of the Downtown Campus of WVU, with Martin Hall in the foreground, Woodburn Hall to the left and Chitwood Hall on the Right.

125. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

Woodburn, Martin, and Chitwood Halls.

126. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

People walk in a procession toward Woodburn Circle. Martin Hall and Chitwood Hall visible.

127. Snowy Day on the Campus of West Virginia University

A view of Woodburn Hall and students in the circle on a snowy day.

128. Woodburn Circle on a Snowy Day, West Virginia University

David Jacobs (first on the right); Donovan Randolph (center)

129. Group of Men in Woodburn Circle

"WVU cadets stand for inspection beside the new $4000 Armory built in 1873. University Ave had not been built yet so the white fence delineates Woodburn Circle. Martin Hall includes an entrance porch with a balcony.", as described in  "West Virginia University, Symbol of Unity in a Sectionalized State".

130. Cadet Cannoneers in Battery Formation in Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

'This part of the campus shows the Circle and corners of Martin Hall, Science Hall, and University Hall.'  The picture is from a booklet, 'West Virginia University and its Picturesque Surroundings, 1901.'

131. Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University

The photo is from a booklet, 'West Virginia University and its Picturesque Surroundings,' 1901.

132. Corps of Cadets Muster in Woodburn Circle, West Virginia University