Search Results

A photo of the Stark home in Allen Fork of Allen Creek.

30097. Stark Family Home

Charles Stark around the age of 90 years old.

30098. Charles Stark

30099. Mother Jones

'William Hornsby, 87 years old Gallipolis, Ohio--Eureka Star Route; 3rd Dist. V.P. of W. Va. SFL--Elected at 1903, Conv. in Huntington.'

30100. William Hornsby, Gallipolis, Ohio

'William Hornsby (center) being interviewed by Rene Zabeau (left) and Glen Armstrong, Educ. Dir. W. Va. SFL.'

30101. Rene Zabeau, William Hornsby, and Glen Armstrong, West Virginia State Federation of Labor

William Hornsby (center)interviewed by Rene Zabeau and Glen Armstrong, Educ.  Dir. W. Va. SFL.

30102. Rene Zabeau, William Hornsby, and Glen Armstrong, West Virginia State Federation of Labor

'Philip M. Kaiser, Assistant Secretary of Labor, addresses the 1951 Morgantown Labor Day Celebration.  George A. Crago, third from left, was master of ceremonies for the affair.  Labor and government representatives shown on the speakers stand are, left to right, Richard Kennel, reception committee, commissioner of Labor 1957-.  William Quinn, AFL organizer; Crago, William Radford, AFL labor union; William Hynes, UMW District 4 president, Kaiser, Senator M.M. Neely, State Attorney General William Marland, Eugene A. Carter, state federation of labor AFL president and T. C. Dethloff, AFL organizer.  Senator Harley M. Kilgore was seated directly behind the speaker and is not shown in the picture.

30103. Philip M. Kaiser Addresses Morgantown Labor Day Celebration

An interior view of a typical mine prior to introduction of modern mechanical machines and loaders.  Coal miners used picks and shovels to remove the "black gold" from beneath the West Virginia hills.

30104. Early West Virginia Coal Mine

30105. W. E. Reed, West Virginia State Federation of Labor President (1952-1953)

30106. John Dean and E. A. Carter, Stonewall Jackson High School

30107. Thomas Cairns, President, West Virginia State Federation of Labor, 1938-1945

30108. Thomas Cairns, President, West Virginia State Federation of Labor, 1938-1945