Search Results

30121. Secretary Andrews, Pritchard Dillon and President E. A. Carter of the West Virginia Federation of Labor

30122. Frank W. Snyder, Typographical Union 146 (1939-1941)

30123. Charles Sattler, Ned Sims and Jack B. Easton of the West Virginia Federation of Labor

'Federations prize essayist meets President Truman--John Dean, 16, Charleston's Stonewall Jackson high school student who submitted prize-winning composition in the federation's 1947 essay contest, visits President Harry Truman at the White House in company with President E. A. Carter (left) and West Virginia Senator Harley M. Kilgore (right).

30124. West Virginia Federation of Labor Essay Contest Winner, John Dean, with President Truman

Back row on the further left: E. A. Carter, President W. Va. State Federation of Labor, second from the right on the back row is John Dean--winner of the Essay contest.  Also included State Superintendent of Schools Dr. W. W. Trent, County Superintendent of Schools, Virgil L. Flinn; Principal of Stonewall Jackson High School Professor Horner.   Ronald Bowley, David McClure, Dane Bogges and Theodore Smith are runner ups.

30125. Winner of Essay Contest and Members of State Federation of Labor

30126. Jennings Randolph

30127. Senator Henry Gassaway Davis

'Wilson needs Watson;' Born 1864, Marion County, Watson was an Army Lt. Colonel during Worls War I. He served as United States Senator for West Virginia(Democrat), 1911-1913, finishing the term of Stephen Elkins.  Watson lost the 1918 senatorial election to Nathan Goff Jr.

30128. Clarence W. Watson's Senatorial Campaign Poster

'Former Senator, Clarence W. Watson of Fairmont; photo taken when he served as Lt. Col. in first World War; deceased (1864-1941); one of leading industrialists in Northern W. Va.; (family connection to C.E. Smith)'

30129. Clarence W. Watson

'Foreground - Governor Cecil Underwood; Background (Left to Right) - Mrs. Cecil Underwood, (?), Senator Chapman Revercomb, (?), Senator John D. Hoblitzell, Jr., (?), (?), (?)'

30130. Republican State Convention

A photograph of Senator Hoblitzell speaking to a crowd. '(holding microphone)'

30131. Senator John D. Hoblitzell, Jr.

'Left to Right - Harold E. Neely, Senator John D. Hoblitzell, Jr. and Clarksburg lawyer, Republican State Chairman Daniel Laughery.

30132. Republican National Convention, Chicago, Ill.