Search Results

Lewis is on left and Neely is on right.

32569. John L. Lewis and M.M. Neely

32570. John L. Lewis as Young Man

John L. Lewis is on left.

32571. John L. Lewis at United Mine Workers of America Meeting

John L. Lewis(far left).

32572. John L. Lewis

John L. Lewis holds a boy.

32573. John L. Lewis

32574. John L. Lewis, Bill Blizzard, and Judge Hatfield at Inauguration of William C. Marland

32575. Kenneth Douglas McKellar of Tennessee

32576. Edward C. Maxwell

Jim MacKinnon, Guard.

32577. Basketball Player Jim MacKinnon, Guard

32578. Joel A. Murphy, Pittsburgh National Bank

Herbert Ed. Manley, a Michigan farmer.

32579. Herbert Ed. Manley, Sandusky, Michgan

Thomas E. Millsop is a president and chief executive officer of National Steel Corporation.

32580. Thomas E. Millsop, National Steel Cooporation