Search Results

32593. Cornelia Otis Skinner

32594. Phililp Henry Sheridan

Melville E. Stone, 1848-1929, General Manager of The Associated Press, 1893-1921; Counselor of the Associated Press, 1921-1929.

32595. Journalist Melville E. Stone, Associated Press

'1900 - The life of Thoney Pietro has not always been that of a retired country gentleman; he has earned the right to retire by his own labors. He commenced his career as a common laborer, but he was never content with doing anything less than his best. A typical example of his physical strength and skill, as well as his desire to be the best at any job, occurred during September, 1900, when he was working as a bricklayer for the James McAfee and Company, of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, who were engaged in  a street paving project in Homestead, Pennsylvania. The speed and skill with which young Pietro handled the paving bricks attracted the attention of his superintendent, a Mr.Ross, supt.of the work,who became so enthused over the young Italian's prowess that he offered to bet $300.00 that Pietro could better the existing record for the number of bricks laid in a given time, The record was then held by an Irishman who had laid 806 square yards of brick in ten hours. Admirers of the Irishman quickly took the bet. So on a bright September morning in 1900, 0n 12th Avenue in Homestead, Pennsylvania, the contest was held. Eight hours and fifteen minuets later measurements disclosed that Pietro had established a new record and one which stands tot his day - he had laid single handed a section of street 30 feet in width and 350 feet long- an amazing total of 1166 square yards of brick, 58 bricks per sq.yd., totaling 67,628 bricks or an average of more than 136 bricks per minute all day.The fact that he did his work well is borne out by the attached photograph taken 46 years later of the same site, looking up 12th Avenue from Louise Street toward Andrew Street in the city of Homestead, Pennsylvania. The same bricks as he laid then are still in use.'

32596. Testament to the Brick Laying Prowess of Thoney Pietro

Left to Right: William Pietro, Rose Pietro, Maria Pietro, Helen Pietro, Lawrence Pietro, Frank Pietro and James Pietro.

32597. Pietro Family in Front of their House

Lawrence Pietro is seated in the middle.

32598. Lawrence and other Pietro Family Members

Henry Pietro is man seated in the middle of the photo. Lawrence Pietro is child on far right of photo.

32599. Lawrence, Henry, and other Male Members of the Pietro Family

32600. Pietro Family Member

32601. Pietro Family Member

32602. Pietro Family Member

Cartolina Postale Italiana appears on the back.

32603. Elderly Italian Woman

Picture taken in Morgantown, W.Va.

32604. Henry Pietro and Unidentified Man