Search Results

32665. Young Boys Dressed Up as Native Americans

'The above miniature half-tone is from a life-size photographic Carbon Crayon, 22x26, mounted on heavy card board.  $200 has been refused for the Carbon of which this a copy.  The picture is finished in dark background, Rembrandt style, giving it an antique, statuary effect.  The original, from which this is taken, is a daguerreotype by Josiah J. Hawes, of Boston, taken of Webster in the maturity of his manhood, in 1850.  No other picture makes so prominent the dome-like forehead, the beetling brows, the deep, cavernous eyes, the high cheek bones, and the mastiff mouth--marked features of him whom Sir Charles Russell pronounces "perhaps the greatest figure the world has seen."'

32666. Daniel Webster

32667. Henry C. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture, 1921-1924

Charles E. Wilson, President of General Electric, Co.

32668. Charles E. Wilson

W. E. Woodward, author of "George Washington".

32669. W. E. Woodward

32670. Bishop & Mrs. Lloyd C. Wicke, Pittsburgh, Pa.

32671. General Leonard Wood

32672. Thoney Pietro and Boy with Horse

32673. Lawrence Pietro at Pietro Construction Site

32674. Pietro Company Workers

32675. Jock Yablonski

32676. Robert E. Lee