Search Results

West Virginia University's Campus is the background.

33601. General Woodworking Company & Building Supplies, Morgantown W. Va.

Gibson Motor Company employees in front of the garage.

33602. Gibson Motor Company, Reedsville, W. Va.

Written on the back of the photo: 'Battle at Carnifax, after Corp. J. Nep Roesler, 47th O.V.I, Library of Congress Negative No.: LC-USZ6Z-7630.'

33603. Battle at Carnifax Ferry

'Library of Congress Negative Number: LC-USZ6Z-17575'

33604. Skirmishing, New River

33605. Interior of a Glass Factory

33606. Portrait of Behamin Koon

A view of Hudson, Essex, Chevrolet Central Garage, Reedsville, W. Va.  This garage will later be turned to Gibson Motor Company.

33607. Central Garage, Reedsville, W. Va.

33608. Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Depot in Talcott, W. Va.

33609. NKP 777 Locomotive, Huntington, W. Va

33610. Willard Westfall

33611. Unidentified Soldier

'Log barn in right background was built by Jesse Ellison sometime prior to 1835.

33612. A. D. Ellison Sr. Plowing the Garden, Hans Creek, W. Va.