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Front row left to right: Leland (Bud Core, Aileen Garrison (Keener), Robert (Bob) Henderson, Aretis Shanks (Hefflen).Middle row: Helen Henderson (Eddy), Hazel Bowers, Christine Sayers (Bean), Margaret McCreary, Robert McCreary, Stanley Myers, Homer Bowers.Back row: Lucille Henderson, Phyllis core, Unknown, Helen Moore (Lemley, Raymond), Thais Lemley (Neely).

36157. Group Portrait in Front of Core School, Core, Monongalia County, W. Va.

36158. Face of Coal at Mouth of Mine No. 304, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

36159. Mine Opening Just Started, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

36160. Mine Opening Just Started, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

36161. Mine Opening Just Started, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

36162. One of the Openings at Mine No. 301, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

36163. Heading and Aircourse, Mine No. 301, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

36164. Coal Stored at Mouth of Mine Before Tracks Were Laid, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

36165. Mining Machine in Operation, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

36166. Mining Machine Traveling Under Its Own Power to Cut Coal in another Heading, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

Loaded August 30, 1913.

36167. First Mine Car Loaded with Coal, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

36168. Coal Storage Pile, Mine No. 302, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky