Search Results

Group portrait of unidentified members of the St. Francis Cheerleaders in uniforms including white gloves.

38017. St Francis High School Cheerleaders, Morgantown, W. Va.

Group portrait of unidentified members of the St. Francis High School Cheerleaders in uniform.

38018. St. Francis High School Cheerleaders, Morgantown, W. Va.

Group portrait of unidentified members of St. Francis Cheerleaders in uniform.

38019. St. Francis School Cheerleaders, Morgantown, W. Va.

Group portrait of the Westover Junior High Cheerleaders in uniform; Only identified member is Barbara Palumbo, front right.

38020. Westover Junior High School Cheerleaders, Morgantown, W. Va.

Group portrait of unidentified members of the Riverside Junior High School Cheerleaders in uniform.

38021. Riverside Junior High School Cheerleaders, Morgantown. W. Va.

Group portrait of coaches at Bennett Field, Westover Park, in Westover, W. Va.  Left to right: Francis Wolfe, Vince Gargarella, B. G. Bennett, Joseph DeProspero, unidentified, Adam Pompili, unidentified, unidentified, Joe Bisilla, and Dick Pill. Wolfe and DeProspero served as presidents of the Wesmon Athletic Association in the 1960s.  Bennett Field is named after B. G. Bennett.

38022. Coaches in Westover, W. Va.

Unidentified members of I.O.O.F. Little League Baseball Team Champs.

38023. Independent Order of Odd Fellows 1951 Little League Champs, Morgantown, W. Va

Back row, left to right: Coach Holepit, Chico, Hrybian, Bell, Tenney, Herko, Alexder, unidentified coach; Front row: Figiel, Chico, Lees, Bell, Holepit, and Goff. Baker and Coombs Construction Company built several West Virginia University buildings.

38024. Baker & Coombs Little Baseball Team, Morgantown, W. Va.

Group portrait of baseball team in uniform. Only identified member of the team is Coach Glen Ellis, sitting top row, first left.

38025. Moose Pony League Baseball Team, Morgantown, W. Va.

Outside group portrait of unidentified members of the Sanitary Milk Team in uniform.

38026. Sanitary Milk Little League Baseball Team, Morgantown, W. Va.

West Virginia Governor Arch Moore pulls away the covering on the Mountaineer Statue outside the Mountainlair on the West Virginia University campus.

38027. Governor Arch Moore Unveils Mountaineer Statue at Dedication Ceremony, Morgantown, W. Va.

West Virginia University President James Harlow speaks at the unveiling ceremony for the Mountaineer Statue, on campus, outside the Mountainlair.

38028. West Virginia University President Harlow Speaks at Dedication of Mountaineer Statue, Morgantown, W. Va.