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Home of early and widely known physician of Morgantown for more than a half century. McLane built the house in 1840 on the southwest corner of High and Kirk Streets and resided there until his death in 1878.

38653. Home of Dr. Charles McLane, Morgantown, Monongalia County, W. Va.

The Old Stone House was built by Jacob Nuze and sold to tavern keeper Henry Dering in 1795. Potters John Thompson and Jacob Foulk owned the structure from 1800 until 1813 when it was brought by Joseph Shackleford who operated a tanyard on the property for 50 years. Shackleford was also a minister and led the first Methodist reform movement in the area.

38654. Old Stone House on Chestnut Street, Morgantown, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Kirkpatrick's Company E was labeled as "Scouts and Guides" and attached to the 26th Virginia Regiment, April 29, 1862.

38655. Confederate Veteran Hamilton F. Kirkpatrick of Greenbrier County, W. Va., Company E, 26th Virginia Battalion

Bryan's Battery was also known as the Monroe Artillery and was organized in March, 1862.

38656. Confederate Veteran Mark Dolin of Greenbrier County, W. Va., Bryan's Battery, McLaughlin's Battalion, 4th Brigade

Bouldin's Company B was also known as the Charlotte Cavalry.

38657. Confederate Veteran Captain E. E. Bouldin of Charlotte County, Va., Company B, 14th Virginia Cavalry

Home of first United States Senator of West Virginia, Waitman T. Willey.

38658. Home of Waitman T. Willey, Morgantown, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Company A was also known as "(Moorman B.) White's Mounted Riflemen"

38659. Confederate Veteran William H. Sammons of Greenbrier County, W. Va., Company A, 14th Virginia Cavalry

Price was a sergeant-major in Captain George Edgar's Company D.

38660. Confederate Veteran John M. Price of Greenbrier County, W. Va., Company D, 26th Virginia Infantry

Company A was also known as "White's Mounted Riflemen".

38661. Confederate Veteran Alexander A. Johnston of Greenbrier County, W. Va., Company A, 14th Virginia Cavalry

Company B, under the command of Alex M. Buster was known as the Greenbrier Mountain Rifles.

38662. Confederate Veteran Thomas H. Campbell of Fayette County, W. Va., Company B, 60th Virginia Infantry

Sydenstricker served as a first lieutenant in Company E, known as the "Bruce Rifles".

38663. Confederate Veteran Oliver P. Sydenstricker of Greenbrier County, W. Va., Company E, 60th Virginia Infantry

Samuel Tyree was mustered into Company C as a first sergeant. Company C, known as the "Mountain Cove Guards", was under the command of Samuel's brother, William Tyree. Ten other members of the Tyree family also served in the 22nd Regiment. In 1863 Samuel Tyree organized a company of partisan rangers of which he served as captain.

38664. Confederate Veteran Captain Samuel F. Tyree of Fayette County, W. Va., Company C, 22nd Virginia Infantry