Search Results

A carte de visite of a young girl in curls.

38953. Nellie Slack

WVU student protest - "Death of Higher Education", holding hands, stretched in single line, behind the "Mountaineer", in front of Mountainlair, Morgantown, West Virginia.

38954. West Virginia University Student Protest, 'Death of Higher Education' On Campus, Morgantown, W. Va.

WVU student protest - "Death of Higher Education" and show unity by holding hands in a long line, in front of Mountainlair, in Morgantown, West Virginia.

38955. West Virginia University Student Protest, 'Death of Higher Education' On Campus, Morgantown, W. Va.

Sign reading "Honk for Higher Education" at the WVU Student Protest - "Death of Higher Education" in Morgantown, West Virginia.

38956. West Virginia University Students Protest, 'Death of Higher Education' With Fake Casket On Campus, Morgantown, W. Va.

A carte de visite of a woman with long curls and "ear bobs" or earrings.

38957. Aunt Lizzie Ong Ferguson

A carte de visite portrait of an unidentified bearded man wearing a hat. There is a revenue stamp on the back of photograph indicating a tax had been paid on the image. This tax was collected, 1864 to 1866 by the Federal government to pay for the war.

38958. Portrait of Unidentified Man

A carte de visite of a profile of a woman, probably Aunt Ri Ong.

38959. Portrait of Aunt Ri Ong

Inscribed on the back of the photograph, " A forgotten industry, old coke ovens at Elkhorn".

38960. Coke Ovens in Elkhorn, W. Va.

Small town in a hollow in McDowell County, West Virginia.

38961. 'Blowed Out', McDowell County, W. Va.

Joseph Moreland of Morgantown, West Virginia is standing third row, far left.

38962. Triennial Meeting of The Sons of The Revolution, Mt. Vernon, Va.

A carte de visite of a young boy dressed in his best "bib and tucker".

38963. Will Nihoof

Elevated view of Crozer Coal and Coke Company, railroad and the town of Elkhorn, West Virginia.

38964. Crozer Company and Town of Elkhorn, W. Va.