Search Results

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

1693. Oglebay Hall, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

Group portrait of unidentified WVU cadets lined up on the athletic field. Houses on High street can be seen in the background.

1694. West Virginia University Cadets on Campus, Morgantown, W. Va.

Lulu Taylor wearing a fashionably hat of the day.

1695. Portrait of Lulu Taylor

Photo with Lulu Taylor, sitting-right. The other persons remain unidentified. On the back of the photo is inscribed "I. G. Cale".

1696. Group Portrait Including Lulu Taylor

University Toyota's "Mountaineer Balloons Festival"  involved around 40 hot air balloons traveling around Morgantown, often flying above the University campus as seen here.The Festival lasted for until at least 2007, then was put on hiatus due to the loss of festival grounds. It returned in 2015 as "Balloons Over Morgantown," a simpler version of the event.

1697. Mountaineer Balloons Festival

1698. Diamond Street, Sistersville, W. Va.

View of brick paved Charles Street with trolley car tracks running down the middle.

1699. Charles Street, Wellsburg, W. Va.

One of the earliest baseball teams known to Hinton.Starting in the back row, from left to right, is Edgar Noel, "Bootie" Brown, C. Templeton, Bob Hoover, Owen Miller, Ernest Bond, Ott Morton, Charlie Kline, Frank Sweeny, Forest Bradenberg, and Irvin Maxwell.

1700. Hinton C. & O. Baseball Team, Hinton, W. Va.

Print number 386. Thomas Clark Atkeson wrote the law which created the West Virginia State Board of Agriculture in 1891, serving as President of the board for the next fourteen years. It was Atkeson who recommended to the University Board of Regents that agriculture be taught at the state University, and he was then later named the first dean of the College of Agriculture when it was established in 1898. Atkeson's work with agricultural education is well renowned.

1701. Portrait of WVU Professor Thomas Clark Atkeson

Print number 814.

1702. Johnson's Basketball Team, Morgantown, W. Va.

Street view of the home near Hinton, W. Va.

1703. Judge James A. Miller Home, Bellepoint, W. Va.

Print number 1056.

1704. Santa Along with Others Begin to Form Christmas Parade on Beechurst Avenue, Morgantown, W. Va.