Search Results

Men pose among trees.  Two loggers with saw in a large tree.

265. Logging Crew in the Forest

266. Logging Crew (Teamsters) Posing With Their Horses

Four crew members standing beside a log.  One sitting on top of the log.

267. Logging Crew Posing With Tools

Two men pose with their horses.

268. Logging Team: Teamster and Landing Man, Rainelle, W.Va.

Three men pose in front of a tree.  At that time L.C. Dyer was president of Meadow River Lumber Company in Rainelle, W.Va.

269. Dyer, Big P and L.C.

The Raine brothers were owners of a logging company in Rainelle, W.Va., Greenbrier County.

270. Raine Brothers Pose on Logs

271. Logging Crew Standing in Front of Camp Building

Three logging crew members standing on top of logs.

272. Loggers

Two men pose next a pile of logs.

273. Pair of Loggers and Saw

Train engine pulling lumber carts with crew.  Sewell Valley, Rainelle, W.Va. in Greenbrier County.

274. Climax No. 2, Ninety Ton Logging Train

Two men pose next to a log cart.

275. Loggers Posing With Their Saw Next to a Log Cart

Train engine and other machinery in logging area.

276. Logging Operation at Montes; Fred Brown, Engineer