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Homes in Shinnston that were damaged due to the deadliest tornado in West Virginia's history.

13. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.

People gather along the West Fork River looking over to the hardest hit area by the tornado, Pleasant Hill, where no more than ten houses were left standing.

14. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.

Destruction was caused by the deadliest tornado in West Virginia's history. This image shows the tornado was selective, destroying some houses yet leaving others in neighborhood intact.

15. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.

Home destroyed by the deadliest tornado in West Virginia history.

16. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.

Destruction of homes caused by the deadliest tornado in West Virginia's history.

17. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.

Completely missing homes due to the deadliest tornado in West Virginia's history.

18. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.

Family observes the destruction caused by the deadliest tornado in West Virginia's history which killed sixty-six people in the town and surrounding area.

19. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.

Homes in ruins due to the deadliest tornado in West Virginia's history. Several cars line the road as people arrive to help or sight-see.

20. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.

What's left of a home hit by the deadliest tornado in West Virginia's history. Noted the unbroken jars of canned food line-up among the ruins.

21. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.

People walk the street observing the damage caused to the homes.

22. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.

Rescuers recover a body from ravine. 103 people were killed by the tornado in West Virginia.

23. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.

Debris on river bank from what's left of of 6, two story homes in Pleasant Hill, the neighborhood hit the hardest by the tornado. No more than ten houses were left standing.

24. Shinnston Tornado Aftermath; Harrison Co., W. Va.