Search Results

'Showing the opening of a mine now in operation.  This mine is served by trucks and wagons.  Located on the opposite side of the mountain from the location formerly occupied by the 'Hope Splint Mine', and being about one-half mile due west from Ferguson Station.  There is a certificate dated August 8, 1932, on a bulletin board inside of the opening.  This certificate was issued by the State Mine Examiner of West Virginia to Spino and Wait Coal Company, Ferguson, W. Va., Mine #1, and is signed by W. D. Copley, Inspector, Matewan, W. Va.'

1. Mine Entrance in Wayne County, W. Va.

2. Loading Chute at Mine in Wayne County, W. Va.

3. Air Compressor Outside of Mine in Wayne County, W. Va.

4. Photo Demonstrating Depth of Coal Seam in Wayne County, W. Va.

'Coal Opening - Coal being taken out for domestic purposes.  Located about two miles west of Dunlow Station, W. Va.  MP-524 plus 2000-ft., near Syracuse BC.'

5. Coal Opening in Wayne County, W. Va.