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A miner is driving a battery powered shuttle car that is self unloading to the loading station.

1. Battery Powered 'Self Unloader' Shuttle Car Hauling Coal to Loading Station

A miner watches as coal is loaded into mine cars from a shuttle car.

2. Shuttle Car Discharges its Load into Mine Cars

Miner works at unloading a shuttle car into an elevator.

3. Shuttle Car Unloading into an Elevator

Miner driving a shuttle car. 'Shuttle car, fully loaded, rumbles around a curve on its way to the loading terminal where it will unload into mine cars. Such mechanized equipment has a unit cost of about $20,000. Mine No. 32, Consolidation Coal Co., Owings, W. Va.'

4. Shuttle Car at Mine No. 32, Consolidation Coal Company, at Owings, W. Va.

Miner waiting for shuttle car to be loaded.

5. Shuttle Car Being Loaded

An 11BU loading machine and a Joy Shuttle car at Jamison No. 9.  Stonega Coke and Coal.

6. Loading Machine and Shuttle Car at Jamison No. 9

'Shuttle Cars: Here are pictured loaded and empty shuttle cars sometimes called buggies. Note the noveyor on the bottom of the empty car for unloading the coal at a central loading station, into the mine cars. This equipment is propelled by huge batteries or electric cable and of course requires no track. Track-mounted mechanical loaders load directly into the mine car.'

7. Miners Operating Shuttle Cars

A miner operating an electric shuttle car filled with coal.

8. Electric Shuttle Car