Search Results

On the front: "Substation- reducing current from 40,000 volts to 250 volts."

25. Substation, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

26. Group of Miners' Houses, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

27. Showing Part of Progress Made Prior to Completion of Elk Horn and Beaver Valley Railway, Wayland, Ky.

28. Group of Miners' Houses, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

29. Group of Miners' Houses, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

30. Group of Miners' Houses, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

On the front: "One of the stores- dimensions 65 x 90."

31. Mine Store, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

On the front: "One of the office buildings."

32. Mine Office Building, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

On the front: "Town Hall- used for Post Office, Court Room and Bank- Upstairs used for various secret orders."

33. Town Hall, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

On the front: "Hotel- Contains Pool Room, Restaurant, Moving Picture Parlor and Barber Shop."

34. View of Hotel on Mining Property, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

35. Houses Under Construction, Mine No. 303, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky

36. Lumber Yard, Mine No. 303, Elk Horn Mining Corporation, Eastern Kentucky