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Photograph taken 8 miles west of New Creek, W. Va. on US Route 50. Elevation 2725 feet.

1. Allegheny Front and New Creek Mountains, W. Va.

Caption reads, "Captain Thomas J. Senn, U. S. N., who has been placed in command of the new battleship U. S. S. West Virginia, the largest ship of itS kind in the U. S. or any other navy. The ship was placed in commission at the Norfolk Navy Yard, December 1."

2. Captain Thomas J. Senn of the U. S. S. West Virginia

Caption reads, "Pearl Buck, the only woman ever to win both the Pulitzer and Nobel prizes in literature, poses with her four adopted daughters at her home in Perkasie, Pa. They are, from left, Cheico, 16; Johanna, 15; Henriette, 18; and Theresa, 17. Henriette is of German-American origin, the other three of Japanese-American origin. The thing closest to the 73-year-old author's heart is the foundation named after her. Its purpose is to raise $10 million to care for some 300,000 unwanted children fathered by American soldiers."

3. Pearl S. Buck with Adopted Daughters, Perkasie, P. A.

The back of the photo includes a descriptive caption that reads:"New York, November 14- Pearl Buck, Novelist, being awarded the Howells Medal for fiction at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Letter here today. Robert Grant, member of the Academy, is making the award. The Howells Award was established in honor of William Dean Howells, novelist, and first awarded in 1925."

4. Pearl Buck Wins Medal For Fiction

A panoramic view of the New River Company's Sprague Operation in Beckley, W. Va.

5. Sprague Operation of the New River Company, Beckley, W. Va.

A panoramic view of the Cranberry operation (Mine No. 3) of the New River Company in Cranberry, Raleigh County, W. Va.

6. Cranberry Operation of the New River Company, Cranberry, W. Va

7. Byus-Mankin Lumber Company Offices

8. View of Byus-Mankin Lumber Company's Yard

A panoramic view of the Raleigh Dairy Company, including their new fireproof barn, second building on the left.

9. Model Plant of Raleigh Dairy Company, Beckley, W. Va.

10. Beckley Hospital, Beckley, W. Va.