Search Results

Anderson and his two associates pose with their rifles, showing off the dozens of rabbits brought back from a hunt.

1. W. E. Anderson and Associates after Hunting Excursion, near Charleston, W. Va.

Four women pose outside of a house. Two of the are in bathing suits. Subjects unidentified.

2. Four Women, Charleston, W. Va.

Man identified as C. E. Wiseman poses with one pant leg pulled up, exposing his prosthetic leg.

3. Man with Prosthetic Leg, Charleston, W. Va.

An unidentified man leans against the vehicle with his arm rested in the open window. The name on the envelope that this photograph's negative is contained in is labeled "Muriel Lanham."

4. Man with Ambulance, Charleston, W. Va.

Duesenberry speaks to the horse as she walks it along a trail.

5. Mrs. Duesenberry and Horse, Charleston, W. Va.

The Knights Building hosts a variety of businesses, including Carson's Millinery, Household Finance Loans, Richman Bros. Clothes, The Baby Shop, The Loop Restaurant, and Capital Plan Loans.

6. Knights Building, Charleston, W. Va.

View of the building from the runway.

7. Kanawha Airport Administration Building and Control Tower, Charleston, W. Va.

Conlon Bakery, home of Butter-Krust Bread, is an example of Art Deco design and was, at one point, the "world's most modern bakery."

8. Conlon Bakery, Charleston, W. Va.

A large crowd is gathered outside of the state building, likely for an inauguration of some sort.

9. Crowd Gathered Outside Capitol Building, Charleston, W. Va.

A variety of women's shoes are displayed in the windows by the entrance to the shop.

10. Lincoln Boot Shop, Charleston, W. Va.

Employees of the Kroger stand behind a stand of fruits and vegetables.

11. Produce in Window of Kroger, likely Charleston, W. Va.

Dresses and winter coats, among other clothing articles, are displayed in the window by the entrance.

12. Diamond Brothers Clothing Store, Charleston, W. Va.