Search Results

Charlie Stump being pulled by one of his horses.

37. Charlie 'Spavvy' Stump, Owner Of Livery Stable, Calhoun County, W. Va.

Seated on the sled are: Charles Marshall, Hugh Ferrell, Dallas Stutler, Bill Hamilton, Orda Chenoweth, Ray Blizzard, Harry Smith, and "Budge" Marshall, driving.

38. Riding a 'Yankee Jumper', Calhoun County, W. Va.

39. Fred Pell and Wife Nellie Hathaway Pell, Calhoun County, W. Va.

People watch as a man goes up in a hot air balloon.

40. Sale Of Lots In Pell Addition, Grantsville, W. Va.

Two men change a tire on a Model T Ford.

41. Changing A Tire On A Model T Ford, Calhoun County, W. Va.

Pictured: Fred S. Hathaway, Hilah Smith, Gertrude Smith, Virginia Hathaway, Frederick Hathaway (wearing cap), and Otis Smith

42. Smith and Hallaway Families Gather Around Their Vehicles, Calhoun, County, W. Va.

Unidentified bare foot men walking through the mud after getting their vehicle stuck in it.

43. Vehicle Stuck In The Mud, Calhoun County, W. Va.

Three men clear the road so that their vehicle can pass.

44. Clearing Country Road, Calhoun County, W. Va.

People outside of their cars on the side of the road.

45. Pulled Over to Side of Road, Calhoun, County, W. Va.

The first bank established in Calhoun County opening its doors in 1901 to a cautious public being "reluctant to hand over their money for keeping to someone else".

46. Calhoun County Bank, Grantsville, W. Va.

Organized and issued a charter in 1935, stockholders were L. J. Morris, C. A. Jarvis and Earnest Mollohan.

47. Calhoun Super-Service Inc, Grantsville, W. Va.

Opened in 1955 when gas was 29 cents a gallon. The business was home-owned by A. G. "Ted" Burch.

48. Burch Chevrolet, Grantsville, W. Va.