Search Results

Group portrait of loggers with their tools.

1. Loggers in Pocahontas County, W. Va.

Men generally did not live in towns when they worked timber.  Instead, they came in from outlying areas, lived in groups in barracks, and went home over the weekends.  Here they lived in arks on the river.

2. Arks Tied on Greenbrier River Near Cass, W. Va.

Group portrait of lumber workers in front of building.

3. Lumber Workers at Logging Camp in Pocahontas County

4. Guy Dean and Horses at Home on HIlls Creek

5. Log Piles in front of Lumber Mill

6. Administration Building, W. Va. Industrial School for Boys, Grafton, W. Va.

7. Brickyard at W. Va. Industrial School for Colored Boys, Grafton, Taylor County, W. Va.

A group of people have congregated on the bridge over the frozen river.

8. Bridge at Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

Horse Drawn Hearse in front of Mott Business.

9. Lucian H. Mott, Undertaker and Cabinet Maker, Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

View of houses and railroad track, Main Street at Whitmer.

10. Main Street, Whitmer, W. Va.

Pictured- Charles Walton, with dog; Luther Fowler, with gun in rear; Mitchel Blake, with gun, center; Fred Alberts, sitting with stick; Patty Fowler, standing and pointing stick; George Scott, with derby.  Two men standing, two men sitting at left are Siler Brothers who ran steam saw mill at Kinnson Sugar Camp, then called Silertown.

11. Rattlesnake Hunters Search a Snake Den on Viney Mountain, Preston County, W. Va.

12. Teamster with His Horses at Winter Scott on Locust Creek, Pocahontas County, W. Va.