Search Results

85. People On Solid Ground Watch Group on Top of Unfinished Bridge

Piles of cut timber awaits further processing.

86. Lumber Mill Operations Take a Pause For Photograph

Back room appears to be overflowing with wool.

87. Interior of Woolen Mill

88. Interior View of Mill

89. Mill Workers Stand Around Machinery

90. Mine Entrance In Wooded Area

91. Possible Lumber Mill and Farm Along Edge of River

Church building can be seen in distance on far left side.

92. Possible Lumber Mill and Farm Along Edge of River

People in background walk about scrap metal and wood that litters the open field. Building in far back near patch of woods is under construction.

93. Group of People at Scene of Destruction After a Bad Storm

94. Destroyed Home After Bad Storm

95. Keystone Driller Co., Beaver Falls, Pa.

96. Deal and Lepley Lumber Plant, Near Valley Point, W. Va.