Search Results

This rock, where early pioneer Abraham Guseman settled is located on Route 7 and Tyrone Road in Monongalia County, across from Deckers Creek.

37. Guseman Rock at Pioneer Rocks, Monongalia County, W. Va.

The chimney was the only part left of the stone-split house built ca. 1800. Guseman also built a large flour mill near his house, on Deckers Creek.

38. Chimney of Abraham Guseman House, Dellslow, Monongalia County, W. Va.

This split stone home was built with stone from an old flouring mill and dam in the Suncrest area of Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia.

39. Suncrest Area Split Stone Home, Morgantown, W. Va

Split stone home built of stone from an old flouring mill and dam. The home is located on Stewartstown Road in Morgantown in Monongalia County, West Virginia.

40. Split Stone Home, Monongalia County, W. Va

Cold-blast furnace run by steam. Built by Leonard Lamb between 1834 and 1836.

41. Henry Clay Furnace, Monongalia County, W. Va.

The Woodgrove Furnace was built, three miles from Ice's Ferry, between 1822 and 1824 by Josiah Jackson, son of Samuel Jackson. This furnace was used to make pig-iron.

42. Woodgrove Furnace, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Mount Tabor Church was one of the oldest churches in Monongalia County. It was attended by the early pioneers before the early 1800's.

43. Mount Tabor Church Near Laurel Point, Monongalia County, W, Va.

This stone marks the place of David Adam Ice's birth. He was thought to be the first white child born in West Virginia in 1767.

44. Birthplace of David Adam Ice, Monongalia County, W Va.

A dam for a flour mill, made out of split stone on Deckers Creek, near Pioneers Rocks in Monongalia County.

45. Part of Split Stone Dam Built By Abraham Guseman, Dellslow, Monongalia County, W. Va.

46. Pieces Iron Ore Found in Monongalia County, W. Va.

Pile of lime stones found in Monongalia County, West Virginia.

47. Lime Stone Found in North Central West Virginia

Located about 3 miles from Morgantown, West Virginia, The Easton Mill was a grain and saw mill built right after the Civil War in 1875.

48. Easton Mill, Monongalia County, W. Va.