Search Results

Miss Warman of the Cheat Neck area, posing on her porch.

49. Miss Warman on Porch of Her Home, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Home is located in Cheat Neck area of Monongalia County, West Virginia.

50. Cheat Neck Home of Miss Warman, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Photograph of location where an old saw mill stood in Monongalia County, West Virginia.

51. Location of Old Saw Mill, Monongalia County, w. Va.

Photograph of Sugar Grove area in Monongalia County.

52. Sugar Grove Area, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Graveyard built for Irish Settler William Stewart and his family near Point Marion Road in Monongalia County.

53. Stewart Family Graveyard, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Site of Forks of Cheat Church established in 1775, located near the confluence of the Cheat and Monongahela Rivers. The church was burned down by Indians.

54. Site of the First Forks of Cheat Church, Monongalia County, W. Va.

The Forks of Cheat Church was established in 1775 and is considered the oldest established domination of Christianity west of the mountains. The original Forks of Cheat church was burned by Indians.

55. Model of the Forks of Cheat Church, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Tombstone of early Irish Settler William Stewart. The Grave marker reads, "Here These the Body of William Steward Deceased FEB THE 10 1811 AGED 84 Hark From the Tomb A Soleful Sound My Ears Atend The Cry Ye Living Men Come View The Ground Where You Must Shortly Lie."

56. Tombstone of William Stewart, Monongalia County, W. Va.