Search Results

2125. Attending to Flowers in the Greenhouse, West Virginia University

Nine firefighters stand with two fire trucks at the fire hall.

2126. Brookhaven Volunteer Fire Department, Monongalia County, W. Va.

The uniforms, hoses and other equipment are stored and ready for use.

2127. Brookhaven Volunteer Fire Department, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Stone retaining walls and steps accent this monument.

2128. Unidentified Monument, W. Va.

2129. Elizabeth Moore Hall, West Virginia University

2130. Elizabeth Moore Hall, West Virginia University

2131. Scaffolding Beside Elizabeth Moore Hall, West Virginia University

2132. Elizabeth Moore Hall Addition under Construction, West Virginia University

Pictured second from left is Pat Ryan, third from left is Bill Hall, fourth from left is David Smith, fifth from left is Darryl Nabors, standing is Charles Armistead, and seated in front of him is Burt Spencer.  Troop 50 was from the Spruce Street Methodist Church.

2133. Boy Scout Troop 50 Working on Crafts at the American Legion on Wall Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

From left to right: Professor E. J. Nesius, James Teets

2134. Agriculture Professor Receives a Future Farmers of America Award, West Virginia University

2135. Agricultural Sciences Building, West Virginia University

2136. Agricultural Sciences Building, West Virginia University