Search Results

From left to right: Alice Manning (cello), Sylvia Hare, Kathleen Hardy, John Sichina, Nancy Fox (voice), Madelyn Kidd.

2653. Music Students, West Virginia University

Front row, fourth in from left is Kay Biddle.

2654. Student Group, West Virginia University

From left to right: Jim Ritchie, Barbara Romano, Martha Corson, and Lee Patrone.

2655. Student Group, West Virginia University

Seated in front row fourth from left is Kay Biddle.

2656. Student Group, West Virginia University

West Virginia University President and Mrs. I. Stewart greeting Sharon Andrews, Monticola editor and Roger Tompkins, Student Body President at a formal event.

2657. West Virginia University President (1946-1958) Irvin Stewart and Wife Greeting Students at a Formal Event

A group of international students from Tanganyika (now Tanzania) meeting with a male student of WVU.

2658. International Students from Tanganyika (now Tanzania), West Virginia University

International Students from Tanganyika (now Tanzania) standing near a pond.

2659. Field Day for International Students from Tanganyika (now Tanzania), West Virginia University

Students of Agriculture from Tanganyika (now Tanzania) gathered around a table with WVU Faculty John Harvey and others.

2660. Agriculture Students from Tanganyika (now Tanzania), West Virginia University

2661. Female Medical Students Taking a Break in front of the Health Science Center, West Virginia University

Left to Right: Ann Bernard (unsure), Luella Maddox, and Martha Corson.

2662. Orchesis Dance Ensemble Members, West Virginia University

Two researchers in a lab coats are shown working; one seated looking through a microscope while others standing records it on a notebook.

2663. Research Team, West Virginia University

Man holds sign protesting General Glass as being unfair to Sheet Metal 299.

2664. Strike in Front of Parking Garage on High Street, Morgantown, W. Va.