Search Results

2785. Voting for Homecoming Queen in front of E. Moore Hall, West Virginia University

'Carol Flenniken ?'

2786. Crowning the Homecoming Queen, West Virginia University

2787. ROTC Cadets Voting for Homecoming Queen in front of E. Moore Hall, West Virginia University

The Delta Delta Delta sorority decorates its house for Mountaineer Weekend.

2788. Decorating Tri-Delta Sorority House for Mountaineer Weekend, West Virginia Univer

2789. President Miller Congratulates Debbie Anderson and Steve Feaster, West Virginia University

2790. Steve Feaster and Debbie Anderson Exit a Car during Mountaineer Weekend, West Virginia University

2791. Building a Parade Float at Beverly Manor, West Virginia University

2792. Gordon Thorn, Assistant Director of Student Educational Services, with a Bullhorn at a Pep Rally, West Virginia Universit

At the Young Democrats table, left to right, Rodney Pyles, Hugh Martin, and Wayne Brown (Standing.)  At the Young Republicans table, seated with white shirt, black tie, is Larry Dodd.  Standing directly behind Dodd, is Larry Crawford.

2793. Young Republicans and Young Democrats Recruiting New Members, West Virginia University

From left to right in front: Tom Curtis, Rev. Michael Payne, and Berta Lambert (with microphone).

2794. Stump Speaking in front of Elizabeth Moore Hall, West Virginia University

Possibly freshmen registration day. Male student with glasses standing is Trubie Turner.

2795. Registration in the Old Mountainlair, West Virginia University

Students examine their registration sheet at general registration.

2796. Registration at the Field House, West Virginia University