Search Results

781. Unidentified Men with Machinery, Morgantown, W. Va.

782. Shriners Shake Hands, Morgantown, W. Va.

783. Harry Howell Hands Sheldon Areford a March of Dimes Pamphlet, Morgantown, W. Va.

784. Lloyd Cady and J. W. Ruby Shake Hands as One Receives a Gift, Morgantown, W. Va.

'Foster Mullanax (right) and --- Wilson.'

785. Award Ceremony, Morgantown, W. Va.

Robert W. Dinsmore shakes hands with an unidentified woman.

786. Shaking Hands in Court, Morgantown, W. Va.

One of the ladies is a West Virginia Princess.

787. Kelly, Joan and Pamela Link at Acme, Morgantown, W. Va.

Clayton E. Bond, West Virginia University (left), and Ray Bachman (right).

788. Presentation of a Plaque, Morgantown, W. Va.

789. Groscup, Rev. Stacy (Right) Shaking a Hand, Morgantown, W. Va.

Ronald Kelley, President, holds an award with David Rowan.

790. Presentation of a Future Farmers of America Award, Morgantown, W. Va.

Two men in front of a large cake.

791. Cake Cutting Ceremony for Southern States Cooperative, Morgantown, W. Va.

'Steve Hedges, Morgan Leather Co., Spruce St.'

792. Framing a Painting, Morgantown, W. Va.