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ROTC Air Force cadet shakes hands with an officer

2677. ROTC Air Force Cadets with Officer, West Virginia University

Members of VFW parade on High Street.

2678. Veterans of Foreign War Color Guard in Parade on High Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

'Possibly Sphinx Members. Far Right Arnie Linquist.'

2679. Sphinx Publications Staff, West Virginia University

2680. Delta Delta Delta Officers, West Virginia University

2681. Delta Delta Delta New Initiates, West Virginia University

President Harlow escorting Mrs. Harlow in Mountaineer Field is followed by drum major Skip Shahan and a marching band.

2682. West Virginia University President James G. Harlow with his Wife

'DEPARTMENTAL ASSISTANCE GRANT- Gulf Oil Company has given the chemical engineering department at West Virginia University a $1,000 unrestricted Departmental Assistance grant. Dr. Harry Heflin, left, University vice-president of administration and finance, accepts the grant from R.K. Pearson, recruitment adviser at Gulf's Philadelphia Refinery. The grant is one of 95 that Gulf is making this year to selected departments of many universities and colleges.'

2683. Harry Heflin Accepts Departmental Assistance Grant

2684. Dr. Harry Heflin, West Virginia University

2685. Dr. Harry Heflin, West Virginia University

Dr. Harry Heflin is standing and on the left is Martin Piribek, the president of First National Bank.

2686. Harry Heflin at a Banquet, West Virginia University

'PRESIDENT TAFT VISITS MORGANTOWN, NOV. 1, 1911- President William Howard Taft, front row center, delivered the inaugural speech Nov. 1, 1911, when Thomas Edward Hodges became president of the University. Pictured in front row, left to right are Daniel B. Purinton, Gov. W.E. Glasscock, President Taft, Mr. Hodges and Dr. I.C. White. Pictured at left on porch are (unknown) Frank Cox, left, and Henry Green, the editor of The Post. The first two men pictured in the back row could not be (named, third unsure) is James L. Lakin, fourth Maj. Butts, hero who lost his life in sinking of Titanic; fifth, a Mr. Sigwart; sixth George C. (Rodgers-unsure); seventh, H.C. Batton; eighth and ninth, unidentified: tenth, Harry Carspecken; and others, M.L. Brown, William Williams, (unknown), Benjamin Rosenbloom, Frank B. Trotter and Dr. A.M. Buckhannon. The men in uniform were members of Gov-(the rest is unclear).

2687. President Taft attends West Virginia University President Thomas Hodges' Inauguration

Seated left to right: Tommy Miller, Dr. Paul Miller, and Blaine Michael, Student Body President.

2688. West Virginia University President Paul A. Miller Applauds at an Unidentified Event