Search Results

2893. Reverend Joseph DiBardi, Methodist Drummond Chapel, Morgantown, W. Va.

'Borrowed Street car uniform, Morgantown'

2894. W. C. Davies, Morgantown, W. Va.

2895. A. J. Dickey, Manager of Murphy's Store, Morgantown, W. Va.

2896. Carl S. Degen, U. S. Department of Agriculture

'Norma Beasley (in background) instructor and Linda Dlugos (student assistant).'

2897. Linda Dlugos Painting,

2898. Decker

2899. Deutsch

2900. Arno Drucker Playing Piano

2901. Carl K. Gilchrist, Assistant Vice President of United Fuel Gas Company, Charleston, W. Va.

2902. Perry E. Gresham, President of Bethany College, Bethany, W. Va.

Betty Gum. 4-H Leader, with two other men, being presented a certificate.

2903. Betty Gum Monongalia County 4-H Leader Receives an Achievement Award

2904. W. L. Emmert