Search Results

Five businessmen are attending a dinner. From left to right: Glen Zinn, Farmers 2nd Merchants Bank; George Switzer; L. Bush Swisher, Monongalia Power Company; Mr. McMillan, Monongalia Power Company; and Mr. Snyder, Hope Natural Gas.

1129. Business Dinner, Morgantown, W. Va.

Man presenting of an award to a young man while others watch.

1130. Men's Club Presenting Awards to Students, Morgantown, W. Va.

1131. Unidentified Men at an Event in Morgantown, W. Va.

Right to left: Robert Nestor, Charles Whiston, Charles A. Stevenson (speaker,) Jack Johns, and Earl Fisher

1132. Courthouse Square Speech, Morgantown, W. Va.

Lady with two children pet a goat at the San Diego Zoo. 'Must credit San Diego Zoo Photo.'

1133. Petting a Goat at the San Diego Zoo

Chief of Police John W. Lewis, Bill Leyhe, Omar Glen McKinney, Milton Cohen, Arthur Buehler, Mayor, Patty Stevenson, City Clerk, James R. McCarthney, and James Ashburn, City Manager, among others attending a ribbon cutting ceremony.

1134. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Morgantown, W. Va.

Front Row: left, C. Glen Zinn; right, Paul Price.  Back Row: left, Arthur Buehler; Man in Glasses on the right is Glenn Thorn.

1135. Businessmen on Plane

Left to Right:  Charles A. Stevenson, Scott Davis, Lloyd C. Neilson, Dyke Raese.

1136. Business Meeting, Morgantown, W. Va.

1137. Men's Group, Morgantown, W. Va.

On the left is Donald E. Hayhurst.  Poster is for the Polio Birth Defects and Arthritis Institute.

1138. News Photo for Charity Fund Drive, Morgantown, W. Va.

Girl in the left foreground is Trudy Toland.

1139. Life Guards in Training, Morgantown, W. Va.

From left to right: Don Kammert, Bob McDonald, Harley Staggers, Gov. W. W. Barron, Jennings Randolph, unknown.

1140. Governor W. W. Barron, Jennings Randolph and Others at an Event in Morgantown, W. Va.