Search Results

'My Dear: On the other side you see a group of our Ladies' Aid. That good looking one is I. To-day Mrs. Wm. Burdette Mathews and Mrs. Sarah F. Blundon entertained us at their home, 1501 Quarrier St. We have subscribed $5000.00 on the new church and may have to call you to help before long. Yours with love.'--Postcard

1. Ladies Aid Society, State Street M. E. Church, Charleston, W. Va.

The view of Charleston, West Virginia through the South Side Bridge crossing the river.

2. Bridge Crossing into Charleston, W. Va.

3. Steamboats on the Kanawha River, Charleston, W. Va.

A picture postcard of a winter view of Charleston, West Virginia.

4. Winter Scene in Charleston, W. Va.

'James McNeil Stephenson Home built 1852, 'Oaklands.' Now Parkersburg 7th Street. See Parkersburg Sentinel June 27, 1939.'

5. Stephenson Home, Parkersburg, W. Va.

C.A. Ray with several crew members, C&O R.R..

6. Chesapeake and Ohio Locomotive No. 378 and Crew

(From postcard collection legacy system.)

7. Senior Class Portrait, Charleston High School; Charleston, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. Published by Illustrated Post Card Company. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

8. State Street M.E. Church, Charleston, W. Va.