Search Results

Crew members, including Kingsley Spitzer of Hardy County, W. Va., pose in front of the Eighth Air Force B-17 Flying Fortress "Situation Normal" during World War II.Front Row (Left to Right): Navigator (Lieutenant Harry Meuntz), Bombardier (Lieutenant Richard Holmes), Co. Pilot (Lieutenant William Overstreet), Pilot (First Lieutenant Alden R. Witt), Engineer (Technical Sergeant Kingsley Spitzer).Back Row: Ball Gunner (Wendall Vergulucz), Tail Gunner (Sandy Sanchez), Radio Gunner (Technical Sergeant Roy Baughman), Right Waist 6 (Sergeant Charles Schaback), Left Waist 6 (Sergeant Everell Lewis).

1. Group Portrait of Crew Members of the B-17 Flying Fortress "Situation Normal"

Crew members of the Eighth Air Force B-17 Flying Fortress "Situation Normal" during World War II. Technical Sergeant Kingsley Spitzer of Hardy County, W. Va. is pictured on the far right.

2. Airmen Pose In Front Of B-17 Flying Fortress "Situation Normal"

The 95th Bomb Group Memorial in Horham, England surrounded by snow.The 95th airbase was converted back into farmland at the end of World War II.

3. 95th BG Memorial in Horham, England

"Memorial Wall for 8th Air Force at "Madangly" England."

4. Memorial Wall For 8th Air Force at Madingley American Cemetery In Madingley, England

"Memorial wall decorated by friends of the 8th Air Force."

5. Memorial Wall For 8th Air Force at Madingley American Cemetery In Madingley, England

A snowy scene of the 95th BG [Bomb Group] "Red Feather Club" shows a tree fallen over near one building.

6. 95th Bomb Group "Red Feather Club" in Horham, England.