Search Results

See original for correspondence.

1. Dancing Pavilion, Barger Springs, W. Va.

The hotel, pictured on the far right, sits close to the river.

2. Barger Springs Hotel on the Greenbrier River, Barger Springs, W. Va.

Workers move to steady the ferry as it approaches its destination while passengers standby with their livestock. Subjects unidentified.

3. Old Hinton Ferry Landing at 1st Street, Avis, W. Va.

A row of houses with the Greenbrier School in the background to the left.

4. Avis, W. Va.

Father of Bud Shanks pictured at the mill.

5. Small Sawmill in Forest Hill, W. Va.

Published by Hinton Picture Co., scene at the confluence of New River and Greenbrier River.

6. Bellepoint, near Hinton, W. Va.

Large square house at left center is present day 510 Greenbrier Drive. View of upstream Greenbrier River from Foss Bridge location.

7. Upper Bellepoint, W. Va.