Search Results

View of the store from across the street.

13. Cox & Caulk Store, Pineville, W. Va.

Photo showing drilling equipment and work shed.

14. Drilling Rig, Pineville, W. Va.

Drumehller leans against the wooden pole.

15. Joe Drumheller, Pineville, W. Va.

Dr. Early poses in front of his building.

16. Dr. Early's Dentistry, Pineville, W. Va.

The three men pose for the group portrait.

17. Charlie Short, Dr. Early, and Dr. Chafin, Pineville, W. Va.

An unidentified men stands on top of a tool pulled by horses that creates the rows for planting.

18. Lining the Field, Pineville, W. Va.

An unidentified man holds a plow upright as a team of mules pulls it.

19. Plowing the Field, Pineville, Wyoming County, W. Va.

An unidentified men feeds the small flock of chikcens by his feet.

20. Feeding Chickens, Pineville, W. Va.

An unidentified man prepares the field with the help three mules and a horse.

21. Plowing the Field, Pineville, W. Va.

An unidentified man stands inside a pig pen with a very large pig sniffing by his feet.

22. Pig Pen, Pineville, W. Va.

Aerial view of the farm grounds.

23. Ballengee Farm, Pineville, W. Va.

Interior view of the store. An unidentified woman sits at a desk with a newspaper laid out in front of her.

24. General Store, Pineville, W. Va.