Search Results

A woman stands in the entrance way of the hotel.

1321. Valley View Hotel, Talcott, W. Va.

Two men, a woman and a child stand outside the large tent set up for movie watching. Subjects unidentified.

1322. Serial Traveling Movie Theatre, Talcott, W. Va.

Nelson stands in front of the store entrance, where for 35 years he dealt hardware and feed. Nelson died July 6, 1938 at the age of 68 after years of battling a heart ailment.

1323. James Mason Nelson Outside of Hardware Store, Talcott, W. Va.

In the front is Bill Boyd; Don Maddy; Charlie Bill Bailey; Glen Richardson; and Elmer Schaffer. In the back is Reggie Harris; Jim Nelson; Alvin Garten; and Tommy Thompson.

1324. Talcott High School Baseball Team at Lowell Field, Summers County, W. Va.

Freddie, son of W. W. Jones, stands outside his store entrance wearing a suit.

1325. Freddie Jones on Porch of His Store, Talcott, W. Va.

A group of mean work along the site. Subjects unidentified.

1326. View Overlooking Big Bend Tunnell Construction Site, Talcott, W. Va.

Three unidentified men look over the progress within construction site.

1327. Men Inspect Big Bend Tunnel Construction, Talcott, W. Va.

Three construction workers on the left observe as equipment lowers stone for building the tunnel entrance. Subjects unidentified.

1328. Big Bend Tunnel Under Construction near Talcott, W. Va.

View from across the lawn of the church entrance.

1329. Rollynsburg Baptist Church, Talcott, W. Va.

The Chattin family poses outside of their home with their pet dog.

1330. W. O. Chattin and Family, Talcott, W. Va.

Dalf Lowry (left), Fred McDaniels (middle), and Joe Mann (right) pictured at Willowood Football Field, near Greenbrier River Bridge abutment.

1331. Talcott High School Football Players, Talcott, W. Va.

In the front row, from left to right, is Will Mann; George Keaton; Walter Mann; Charlie Mann; Allen Cooper.In the back row, from left to right, is Julia Mann; Oda Keaton; Lydia Mann; Minnie Man; Eliza Cooper.

1332. Group Portrait in Talcott, W. Va.