Search Results

Lona Richmond, left, and Betty Jane Arrington Angell, right, pose in front of the theatre on Ballengee Street.

1. In Front of the Ritz Theatre, Hinton, W. Va.

Petrey pictured in front of the Ritz Theatre on Ballengee Street.

2. Basil Petrey, Hinton, W. Va.

Pictured from left to right in the front is Earnett Cobb, Betty Jane Arrington Angell, and Lloyd Seldomridge. The two gentleman in the back are Homer Thrall, left, and Raymond W. Argabright. On the awning, above the group, reads, "The Gang's All Here".

3. Group Posing In Front of Ritz Theatre, Hinton, W. Va.

Jones pictured in uniform.

4. Portrait of WWII Soldier Ralph Jones of Summers County, W. Va.

Russell, father to Joe Neely, is pictured sitting at a desk while on a phone call.

5. Train Master Russell Neely on Telephone, Hinton, W. Va.

Mrs. Maude Wiseman Adkins in center with Depsey Adkins to the right and Gladys Richmond Adkins to the left. Dalena Boone is left of Badie Bracken Adkins, who is the girl in the front, and left of her is Joyce Delano. Nile Boone is the boy sitting in the front.

6. Adkins Family and Associates, Summers County, W. Va.