Search Results

Street view of the building.

1. Hinton Post Office, Hinton, W. Va.

A crowd gathers on the street in front of the building to watch the ceremony.

2. Hinton Post Office Dedication, Hinton, W. Va.

A truck is parked in front of the building. In the 1930's, Charley Lowe ran the business with Elbert Mann as the postmaster. Sheriff Dillon worked as the blacksmith.

3. Bun Redman Store & Post Office in Indian Mills, Summers County, W. Va.

A crowd exits the church, pictured on the left. Cars are parked beside the post office building on the right.

4. Methodist Church and Post Office, Forest Hill, W. Va.

Sign on the building says, "U. S. Post Office, Green Sulphur Springs, W. Va". A Pepsi machine is pictured right outside the entrance.

5. Store and Post Office in Green Sulphur Springs, W. Va.

Ashby Rhodes pictured on the porch outside the building.

6. Pence Springs Post Office and General Store, Pence Springs, W. Va.

An unidentified man reads a poster propped on the steps of the post office building.

7. Post Office in Hinton, W. Va.

Right to left is speaker Cleve Haynes; Governor Clarence Meadows (speaking); Admiral Nimitz; Earl Helems; Carl Hinton; Elizabeth Key; unidentified; and Miller Murrell, who is 4 years-old in this photograph.

8. Governor Meadows Speaks at Nimitz Post Office Dedication Ceremony, Nimitz, W. Va.

The post office building is on the right.

9. Post Office, Nimitz, W. Va.

Portrait of the last postmistress at the Streeter Post Office. Pack sets an American flag outside of the building. She served as postmaster since 1949. Her retirement marked the end of the 100-year history of the Streeter post office.

10. Mary Pack at Post Office in Streeter, W. Va.

Portrait of the last postmistress of the Streeter Post Office. Pack served as postmaster since 1949. Her retirement marked the end of the 100-year history of the Streeter post office.

11. Mary Pack Outside of Post Office in Streeter, W. Va.

From left to right is J. W. Graham, L. P. Graham, D. G. Ballengee, and Shannon Graham.

12. Men Outside of Clayton Post Office, Summers County, W. Va.